lundi 15 août 2011

XXXII crucifixion en vert

Based partially on the phone conversation between John + Yoko and everybody.
During between 30 mn - 33 mn.
(the movie is still watchable there during five days only.)
Thanks to Yoko Ono to remind us that the dream of peace can't be kill except by forgiveness and fear.

The idea is we've got all a part of the mirror, inconscious collective, the imaginary. The key is not the mirror, but the link between the subject and his reflexion. The effect is so called revelation. Like a butterfly effect. Everything you do can help everybody. Not take strictly like that but transposed, modulated in the stream of your own realitie.

It's just a question of choice for make the futur our present.
We can be everybody Christ as Hitler but..
Believe in you, in your will, find back hope,
wake up your heart and live your own dream.
Mean if we are interconnected, we can share the peace and love with everyone.

Together hand in hand that's the real symbol of subversion,
we are the children of the webstar called love.
we are peace.

Wathever the system/establishment do, we have no fear and no hate, we've got one heart all together.

We are not mere tools, we are instruments let's play our tune.

free the Music, free the Art, free the People.

We are me and I am you, sharing the same dream.

(Bientôt complêté et traduit en français.)

1 commentaire:

  1. Petite leçon de transcode en forme de question ou comment remettre sa tête sur les épaules. Heureusement qu'il y a des phares dans la nuit. Tous les sens sont peut être possibles, mais n'est ce pas justement là le libre arbitre, choisir son chemin ?

    Quand Yoko Ono + John Lennon inscrivent sur une affiche L'AMOUR ET LA PAIX. Il peut y avoir X sens mais parmi ceux ci, même si tous sont "vrais" lequel à votre avis est celui qu'ils on voulu signifier ?

    - Appelle ton amour.
    - L'amour et la paix.
    - L'amour hait la paix.
